Daily Announcements


Daily Bulletin   

DATE: Thursday, February 6 

BIRTHDAYS: Madison Bailey

WHAT’S FOR LUNCH:Chicken Fettuccine and Garlic Stick

TOMORROWS LUNCH:Chili Crispito and Tri-Tater

BREAKFAST:Donut Fri-yah! 🙂


REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR FOOD ITEMS THIS WEEK TO HELP END HUNGER! Don’t forget the winners get a fun treat for the whole class! 

The junior class are selling Valentine’s before and after school. Colors are: red for love, pink for secret admirer, yellow for friendship, orange for crush and maroon for fan.  Each valentine is 50 cents, and also comes with a treat! 

THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 6: JH Boys Basketball at Enemy Swim 4:30pm. Players dismissed at 3:15, the bus leaves at 3:25. Opt-Out Info. mtg - Claremont 6:000pm.

FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 7: Doubleheader vs. Britton 4:00pm (boys 1st). FFA will be serving a meal starting at 4:00pm. Wrestling at Warner 5:00pm.

SATURDAY,FEBRUARY 8: Doubleheader vs. Wilmot 1:00pm (girls 1st) JH Boys WILL NOT HAVE A GAME. PAWS Chili Cook-off, who will be the 2025 winner. Redfield Wrestling Invite.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Inservice. JH Boys Basketball vs. Leola-Fredrick at 4:30pm. 

TUESDAY,FEBRUARY 11:JH Boys Basketball vs. Webster at 5:00 

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12: Regional Solo Ensemble Contest at Aberdeen AARC. Rose Buds at Rosehill - supper at 6:00pm program at 6:30pm.Evangelical - Confirmation at 5:30pm. Claremont Youth Group supper at 6:30pm.

THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 13: NO SCHOOL - Teachers to Pierre.JH Boys Basketball vs. Britton at 4:00pm.

FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 14: Doubleheader vs. Faulkton 6:00pm.(Varsity only) Jr. Class 30 drawings in 30 mins will take place throughout the night. Senior Night -Parents and Seniors will be recognized between the games.

 SATURDAY,FEBRUARY 15:Girls Basketball at the Warner Classic -Langford vs. Jones County at 1:00pm.Livestream: https://www.warner.k12.sd.us/  - Click on livestream in the upper right-hand corner.


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