Suicide Prevention

In 2020, Suicide is the leading cause of death among South Dakota youth ages 10 to 19 years old. The resources below offer information on misconceptions about suicide, data, and resources available for youth and parents of youth.


Suicide Prevention Video Series for Parents

Suicide is a significant public health concern among youth and young adults. In 2020, suicide was the leading cause of death among South Dakota youth ages 10-19. Similarly in 2019, 23.1% of South Dakota's high school students reported considering suicide and 12.3% reported attempting suicide (Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System 2019).

While the causes of suicide are complex and caused by multiple factors, the goal of suicide prevention is to reduce the risk factors that increase vulnerability among youth and young adults, and to strengthen the connections that promote resiliency within individuals, families, and the larger community.

In partnership with the University of South Dakota Center of Disabilities and the South Dakota Department of Health, the following 4-part Suicide Prevention Video Series was developed. To view each video please visit: 


  • Part 1: Suicide Prevention

  • Part 2: ACEs Awareness

  • Part 3: Protective Factors

  • Part 4: Resources